A Vision for BMM
In recent years there have been new opportunities for us here at Bath Medical Museum, but also many new challenges. Some of you may already know about us, having supported our cause from its very beginning way back in 2012. For many, this will be the first time you have encountered Bath Medical Museum. Whichever it is, we are glad you have found us and hope that our website will provide you with lots of information about our recent developments, as well as engaging content related to Bath’s fascinating medical history.

Bath Medical Museum
In 2012 the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases (RNHRD), located in the former Royal Mineral Water Hospital, opened a small museum to showcase their historic collection. This became known as the Bath Medical Museum and was run by a group of volunteers. Following the acquisition of the RNHRD by the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust (RUH) and the subsequent the sale in 2019 of the Royal Mineral Water Hospital building, known as the Min, a need was identified to secure the future of the range of artefacts and artwork in the RNHRD collection which had been housed in the Min.
In 2017 Bath Medical Museum (BMM) gained independent charitable status in order to continue managing and promoting the fledgling museum and to seek funding and location for a permanent medical museum in Bath. The museum has since grown and, in addition to hosting much of the RNHRD Collection on loan from the RUH, now includes a number of loans and donations from private individuals.
During 2019 we worked closely with our colleagues from Art at the Heart of the RUH to assist in and manage the relocation of various artefacts from the Min. We managed to find new display locations for some of the objects from our collections. Several of the artworks and objects from the Min have been included in the displays curated by Art at the Heart in the new RNHRD & Brownsword Therapies Centre at the RUH, while others are on display at The Pulteney Practice at No.35 Great Pulteney Street. Several other items can be found in other museums and art galleries around Bath, and the rest of our collections remain in storage.
Our Projects
The restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic prevented the public visiting the various locations in the city to view the artefacts. This meant we had to rely on our website. If you take a look at the Learning page on this website you will see the beginnings of our new Learning Programme, which we hope will bring the medical history of Bath to new audiences, including schools, patients and community groups alike.
Under the Curation section you will also find the beginnings of our new Digital Curation Centre. This is where we hope to develop ways of bringing the medical history of Bath, and the museum’s collections of artefacts, to you through virtual and digital recreations and story-telling. As the majority of the museum’s collections are currently in store, with only a few items used for exhibitions or permanent display, it is crucial we develop an alternative way for our audiences to engage with the collections. Our Digital Curation Strategy will ensure we make as much of the collection and the museum’s interpretation content available and accessible to you through this website. One project we have completed are a digital model of the Mineral Water Hospital as it was in its early years. As you navigate your way around the interior of the building you can click links to bring up images from our collection. There is also a virtual 360° photo tour of the hospital just before closure which you will find on the site. The latter is due for further development.
What you see on the pages of this website is just the beginning – the first phase – of the process. So, do come back to the site regularly for new and updated content!
Our Future
Our mission is to preserve and promote the history and importance of medicine in the city of Bath, with a focus on the importance of its thermal waters in treatment, therapy and wellbeing; and to advocate the benefits of education, health and wellbeing for all. This website and new virtual content are but one aspect of the new Bath Medical Museum.
We have recently acquired the use of the Hetling Room. Although it is a relatively small space, it at last provides the museum with a base in which to mount small exhibitions and live events, although the numbers that can be accommodated in the building at any one time are limited so access will generally be by appointment only.
Our vision is that the museum will engage and educate diverse audiences through a variety of traditional and modern methods such as exhibitions, digital content, tours, events and collaborations with other local museums. We do not intend to restrict the museum to the Hetling Room but continue to involve other locations in Bath which have a link with the city’s medical heritage. Hence the term “Museum without Walls”
Our hope is that, with the help of our partners, and your support, we can realise our vision of a vibrant, city-wide museum with engaging activities, which allow us to promote the benefits of education, health and well-being for all, whether patient, resident, medical staff or tourist.
We cannot achieve this without your help. That is why you will also find, under the Support Us section, a variety of ways you can help us or get involved, from donating money or buying membership, to supporting one of our fundraising campaigns, offering to curate an exhibition, or volunteering. There are many ways you can help us and get involved. Your support is vital – without it we will not achieve the full potential of our mission.
The story of Bath’s medical and spa heritage is a crucial part of the city’s identity and one which is often under-represented. By supporting and engaging with us, you are making sure that story is preserved and told for future generations in a way that will benefit everyone.
Dr Roger Rolls
Chair of Trustees
Bath Medical Museum