As a registered charity Bath Medical Museum receives no government or local authority funding and instead relies on charitable donations and self-generated revenue. This means we need your help in order to continue our mission. We welcome all donations, no matter how small.
Donations can be made online instantly using the link below to our Local Giving page. You can also donate by completing the form below if you’d prefer to send us a cheque or postal order. We are very grateful for all donations received and thank you for your support and generosity.
By Online Payment
You can gift us a one-off donation online via Local Giving – a support network & match funding platform for local charities & community groups in the UK.
Other Ways to Support Us
You can support us further by making becoming a member of Bath Medical Museum, volunteering, sponsoring an object or by fundraising. For more information follow the links below.
Organise a fundraiser
Loan an object
Sponsor an object
By Postal Order or Cheque
Other Ways to Support Us
You can support us further by making becoming a member of Bath Medical Museum, volunteering, sponsoring an object or by fundraising. For more information follow the links below.
Organise a fundraiser
Loan an object
Sponsor an object